Jordan E. Goodman is a nationally recognized expert on personal finance. He is the author of the bestselling Everyone's Money Book and twelve other books. For eighteen years, he was the Wall Street correspondent for Money magazine and also served as a regular commentator for NBC News at Sunrise and Mutual Broadcasting System's America in the Morning. Today, Goodman appears regularly on many radio shows, including public radio's Marketplace as well as on TV programs on Fox, CNN, CBS, CNBC, and MSNBC. He also speaks regularly to large groups such as the Harv Eker wealth seminars.
Visit Goodman's Web site: and
Check out Jordan on ABC News:
Good Money: Mailbag
Good Money: Credit Counseling
Bill Westrom is a consumer advocate and veteran mortgage
professional who has become a critic of the traditional banking system.
His own business, IFS Development Group and, focuses on
educating and empowering homeowners so they can make smarter choices
about mortgages and employ an innovative mortgage reduction strategy;
equity acceleration. Westrom's mission is to "change the financial
landscape of this country by helping homeowners get more out of what
they own and what they earn."
Books by Jordan Goodman
Master Your Debt: Slash Your Monthly Payments and Become Debt Free
Fast Profits in Hard Times: 10 Secret Strategies to Make You Rich in an Up or Down Economy
Business Plus