Praeger Publishing, October 2008
Every day, print and online trade magazines and news sources tout developments in online advertising, branding, and marketing. Seismic shifts in the industry have forced marketers and advertisers, ready or not, to employ new advertising models. But the potholes for advertisers using Web 2.0 are many, and missteps by companies that don't understand the new rules of the game guarantee lost time and money ill spent. Advertising 2.0 ensures that readers understand the advertising options possible in the Web 2.0 environment, provides examples of companies using these options, and offers guidelines for their application.
paperback | ISBN: 9780313352966 | Publication Date: October 2008
“This remarkable book will be a milestone for all marketers,
educators, and communicators who still ask the fundamental question:
how can we connect with consumers today? For the first time, there is a
smart, clear, and essential guide to the changing habits and digital
needs of contemporary audiences. It is a must-read for all of our
--Bob Witeck, CEO, Witeck-Combs Communications, Co-author of Business Inside Out
“Dr. Tracy Tuten's book provides an invaluable overview of the
complex social inner workings of the virtual world environment. She
offers an array of case studies from leading edge marketers that give
the reader key insights into how to navigate these worlds as a
thoughtful, inclusive marketing participant.”
--Ellen Kolstö, Senior Marketplace Planner, GSD&M Idea City
“Tracy has taken the hot topics today—social networking,
blogging, mobility—and approached them with an analytical mind.
Few people can provide more clarity and substance to these trends than
--Kristen Cavallo, Director of Development, The Martin Agency
“From 'word-of-mouse' to the latest on social network
advertising, this book impressively captures the exciting scope of
marketing in and to an online world. It has all the right tools for
understanding the psychology behind consumer choices, as well as the
depth of challenges faced by today's advertisers.”
--Nina Lentini, Editor, MediaPost's Marketing Daily