McGraw-Hill Education, March 2018
A book for a different breed of business leader, one who looks beyond the moment to create a life of significance.
Most of us are familiar with the traditional way of looking at legacy―something preserved in the past. Traditional legacy is all around us, evidenced by the steady churn of autobiographies, bequests, commemorations, and dedications we are forever leaving in our collective cultural wake. This is not the legacy you will find in this book.
Legacy in the Making celebrates an active, dynamic form of “modern legacy,” seen through the eyes of a select group of extraordinary men and women who are pursuing their enduring ambitions in the age of now. More than caretakers of the past, these modern legacy builders are also the authors of a vital today and tomorrow. Rather than leaving their legacies behind them, they are looking ahead to harness their long-term ambitions and inspire others to help carry them forward. These are not static, traditional legacies. These are legacies in the making.
Hardcover | ISBN: 9781260117561 | Publication Date: March 2018
"This book is a must-read for anyone who wants their work to last beyond their lifetime."
—Simon Sinek, optimist and New York Times bestselling author, Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last
"If it's your personal ambition to build a culture, a mission, an enterprise-a brand-that endures in this short-term-besotted business world, Legacy in the Making is your blueprint."
—Eric Schurenberg, CEO of Mansueto Ventures, publisher of Fast Company and Inc. magazines
"Legacy in the Making is a masterful, comprehensive, and thoughtful book that will steward you to achieve relevant, prosperous, and enduring brand strength. If you care about the impact of your brand stewardship, there is no better book for you."
—Joseph Michelli, Ph.D., CCXP, New York Times #1 bestselling author, The Starbucks Experience, Driven to Delight, The Zappos Experience, and The New Gold Standard
"A must-read to inspire and educate about what it means to be an effective leader and change-maker in today's ever-changing world."
—Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO, Girls Who Code, New York Times bestselling author, Girls Who Code and Women Who Don’t Wait in Line
"This book will make you ask fundamental questions. How you answer them will not only determine your brand in business, it will determine your identity in life."
—Alan Webber, cofounder, Fast Company magazine