Hyperion, January 2007
Your hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. But there is something standing between you and the next level of achievement. That something may just be one of your own annoying habits. Perhaps one small flaw -- a behavior you barely even recognize -- is the only thing that's keeping you from where you want to be. It may be that the very characteristic that you believe got you where you are -- like the drive to win at all costs -- is the one that is holding you back.
Marshall Goldsmith is an expert at helping global leaders overcome their sometimes unconscious annoying habits and attain a higher level of success. Named one of the five most-respected executive coaches by Forbes and a top-ten executive educator by the Wall Street Journal, Goldsmith has worked with some of the most influential leaders in Fortune 500 companies. His one-on-one coaching comes with a six-figure price tag. But, in this book, you get Marshall's great advice without the hefty fee!
The Harvard Business Review asked Goldsmith, "What is the most common problem faced by the executives that you coach?" Inside, he answers this question by discussing not only the key beliefs of successful leaders, but also the behaviors that hold them back. He addresses the fundamental problems that often come with success -- and offers ways to attack these problems. Say, for example, you have an extremely loyal and talented staff. You are known for spotting and nurturing talent. Your inner circle of employees regularly gets assigned the plum projects. You may think you are building a solid team, but from the outside looking in, you are encouraging sucking up. You are guilty of Habit #14: Playing favorites. Goldsmith outlines twenty such habits commonly found in the corporate environment and provides a systematic approach to helping you achieve a positive change in behavior.
Whether you are near the top of the ladder or still have a ways to climb, this book serves as an essential guide to help you eliminate your dysfunctions and move to where you want to go.
hardcover | ISBN: 9781401301309 | Publication Date: January 2007
"Perhaps the greatest teacher of leadership on the planet."
--Jim Moore, served as Chief Learning Officer of BellSouth, Nortel, and Sun Microsystems
"Marshall is a dynamo. He helps highly successful people get better and better and better."
--Mark Tercek, managing director, Goldman Sachs & Co.
"There is simply no better coach for your most important leaders than Marshall Goldsmith."
--Marc Effron, Chief Learning Officer, Avon, and co-author of Leading the Way and Human Resources in the 20th Century
"Marshall is a great coach and teacher. He has done a lot to help both me and our high-potential leaders. His approach is
practical, useful, helpful, and fun."
--J. P. Garnier, CEO, GlaxoSmithKline
"Marshall's valuable insights on leadership development and the related responsibilities of coaching and mentoring are critical to our general officers and their spouses."
--General Eric K. Shineski, former chief of staff, U.S. Army
"In his charming, rascal-like manner, Marshall is able to address uncomfortable issues in a non-threatening way. As a result not only does the leader get
better -- the whole team gets better!"
--George Borst, CEO, Toyota Financial Services
"Marshall Goldsmith easily ranks among the very best teachers and coaches of executives
anywhere -- bar none."
--John Alexander, president, Center for Creative Leadership
"A team's dedication to continuous improvement combined with Marshall's proven improvement process ROCKS!"
--Alan Mulally, CEO, Ford Motor Company