Hyperion, June 2006
If it's true that we're only as young as we feel, then it's time to start feeling, looking, and acting younger today.
Only a hundred years ago, people were lucky to live beyond age forty. Now, modern medicine is striving to keep us alive well into our nineties and beyond. But who wants to live a long life without health, vitality, and faculties intact? Quality longevity -- that's what we're striving for. According to Dr. Gary Small, director of the UCLA Center on Aging, it's well within our reach.
Based on his latest scientific discoveries, Dr. Small's Longevity Bible shows us how we can all live longer, stronger, better lives by following simple guidelines, such as cross-training our diets, maintaining a positive attitude, promoting stress-free living, and exercising our bodies and our minds. With his Eight Essential Strategies to help us keep our brains, bodies, and attitudes together, this invaluable book shows us how to live longer, empower ourselves, and remain healthy and fulfilled throughout our lives.
The Longevity Bible provides a comprehensive look at healthy aging and offers practical advice on memory fitness, healthful diet, physical conditioning, satisfying relationships, and stress reduction. It follows the stories of typical readers in different stages of their lives and demonstrates how those lives are improved by following the Essential Strategies. Dr. Small shows us how to:
- Sharpen our minds
- Build strength and stamina
- Safeguard our health with exercise and supplements
- Create a balanced diet to satisfy hunger and consume fewer calories
- Master our environments
Scientific evidence indicates that the lifestyle strategies contained in The Longevity Bible can actually increase life expectancy -- making us live longer -- while adding to the quality of those years. So whether we are approaching our forties, fifties, sixties, or beyond, The Longevity Bible can help us face the challenges of aging and reap its rewards.
hardcover | ISBN: 9781401301842 | Publication Date: June 2006
The Longevity Bible is a detailed and practical guide to help you achieve healthy aging. I recommend it as a comprehensive manual for protecting your health, both physical and mental, as you move through life."
--Andrew Weil, M.D., Clinical Professor of Medicine; Director, University of Arizona Program in Integrative Medicine, and bestselling author of
Healthy Aging
''A daring book that offers smart advice and the promise of youth. Dr. Small is unmatched in his ability to synthesize the latest scientific anti-aging breakthroughs. You may well outlive your doctor by following these reassuringly simple steps."
--P. Murali Doraiswamy, M.D., Senior Fellow, Duke University Center for the Study of Aging
"The Longevity Bible provides a wealth of information ranging from the physical to the spiritual, covering topics such as nutrition, brain and body fitness, and methods of stress reduction and maintenance of healthy relationships. Dr. Small has taken the
mind/body problem, which has since the time of Descartes plagued psychologists, and turned it into a positive, effective program for increasing health span."
--James Joseph, Ph.D., Neuroscientist, Tufts University
"Dr. Gary Small provides important information and a message based on scientific research conducted in the past few decades by many researchers around the world. The message is that one's chance of being healthy in old age can be increased by leading a healthy lifestyle throughout life."
--Howard Fillit, M.D., Executive Director, Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation, Institute for the Study of Aging, Inc.
"The Longevity Bible provides practical strategies you can use every day for living better longer, and it backs up these techniques with scientific evidence. I can understand why
Scientific American magazine named Gary Small one of the world's top 50 innovators in science and technology."
--Mark Goulston, M.D., author of Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior
"The Longevity Bible is a genuinely holistic blueprint for a healthy, happy, and long life. As befits a physician, scientist, and researcher of Dr. Small's caliber, the science is solid and compelling. An excellent, highly recommended book."
--Nicholas Perricone, M.D., bestselling author of The Wrinkle Cure, The Perricone Prescription, The Perricone Promise,
and The Perricone Weight-Loss Diet