Vanguard Press, May 2010
21 Ways to Achieve Lasting Happiness and Success
Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but
many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way:
through self-discipline.
Brian Tracy knows this firsthand: He didn't graduate from high school,
and after working for a few years as a laborer, he realized he had
limited skills and a limited future. But through the power of
self-discipline, he changed his life, achieving success in sales and
marketing, investing, real estate development, and management
consulting. He has consulted to more than 1,000 companies, given
motivational speeches and seminars to more than 4 million people in 40
countries, and written 45 books.
No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three
major areas of your life:
- Your personal goals: Self-discipline can help you realize that you are responsible for your success and shows you how persistence really does pay off.
- Your business and money goals: Self-discipline can make you a better leader and a better manager, help you close more sales and make more money, improve your time-management and problem-solving abilities, and make you more effective and successful at work.
- Your overall happiness: Self-discipline can help you be happier, healthier, and more physically fit, and it can help you in your marriage and your relationships with your children and friends.
hardcover | ISBN: 9781593155827 | Publication Date: May 2010
"I couldn't have written it better myself!"
--Lee Iacocca, bestselling author of Where Have All the Leaders Gone
"No one is better qualified to help you navigate your future than my
friend and colleague Brian Tracy. Learn from his wisdom and the stars
are yours to claim."
--Denis Waitley, bestselling author of The Psychology of Winning
"Brian Tracy's books are a wake-up call to the wonders within us all."
--Harvey McKay, bestselling author of Swim with the Sharks without
Being Eaten Alive
"Brian Tracy can be your key to success and happiness if you will
only follow his powerful principles."
--Og Mandino, bestselling author of The Greatest Salesman in the