Big Fish Marketing, September 2017
Business can be alluring, but like the jellyfish it can also sting. There are demanding clients, bosses who bully, conniving competitors, impossible deadlines, advancing technology and people who play politics. It seems that fear, mistrust, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed run through the veins of business leaders at every level. Running on a hamster wheel, we try to find our place in the fastest changing market the world has ever known. Unfortunately, many of us don't have the ability to thrive on change, so we go around and around until we become irrelevant and get discarded. The courageous among us don't ask "Why is this happening to me?" They declare, "This is happening forme!"
In her fourth book, Robin Fisher Roffer teaches readers through personal stories how to navigate their career fearlessly, push through adversity and shed what no longer works. Whether you are in fashion or dentistry, an artist or a CEO, Roffer's proven tools clarify your true purpose and empower you to set goals that will transform your career, and your life.
Paperback | ISBN: 9780692872352 | Publication Date: September 2017